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  Dataworld 2 was released at The Party 1996 in Aars/Denmark.

  With 150 MB of (hard/cd)diskspace you will get a
  12 MINUTE-FULL-SCREEN-VIDEO-SHOW that just needs an standard
  A1200 with 4 MB of Fast Ram to run.

  Dataworld 2 consists of over 30  YAFA  animations, all
  linked smoothly together using the great  Wildfire .

  With the  YAFA  player all the animations are
  played without interruption, even on a standard 6x CD rom!

  Dataworld 2 can be found on:

  MagnaMedia Amiga Magazin CD 3/4 97 (run from cd)

  Remember to use the latest  YAFA  player on your amiga!
  You can get it from the Aminet or from different coverdisks.

  Dataworld 2 is copyrighted to:

  WK-Artworks                  (animations, Wildfire concept)

  Smack/Infect                 ( YAFA  concept)

  DJ Mellow-Noise/Infect       (music)

  Eksec/Infect                 (executive producing)